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The True Story Of The Amityville Horror

The Amityville Horror is a story that has captivated audiences for decades, spawning numerous movies, books, and documentaries. The tale is based on events that allegedly occurred in a house located at 112 Ocean Avenue in Amityville, New York, in the mid-1970s. The story has been the subject of much debate and controversy over the years, with some people claiming that it is a true story of paranormal activity, while others maintain that it is a hoax.

The story began on November 13, 1974, when Ronald DeFeo Jr. murdered his parents, two brothers, and two sisters in their sleep. DeFeo Jr. was eventually arrested, and he claimed that he had heard voices in the house that told him to commit the murders. He was later convicted of six counts of second-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison.

The house remained vacant for over a year until the Lutz family moved in. George and Kathy Lutz and their three children claimed that they experienced a series of terrifying events in the house during their 28-day stay, including cold spots, strange odors, and unexplained noises. They also claimed that they witnessed supernatural phenomena, such as a demonic pig-like creature with glowing red eyes, and levitation of objects.

The Lutz family eventually fled the house, claiming that they could no longer bear the terror that they experienced there. They later contacted paranormal investigators, including Ed and Lorraine Warren, who investigated the house and claimed that it was infested with evil spirits.

The story of the Amityville Horror quickly gained national attention and became the subject of a bestselling book by Jay Anson, published in 1977. The book was later adapted into a movie, which was released in 1979, and spawned numerous sequels and remakes.

However, many people have questioned the veracity of the story, with some claiming that it was a hoax perpetrated by the Lutz family and others involved in the case. Critics have pointed out inconsistencies in the story and alleged that the Lutz family made up the events in order to profit from the publicity.

Despite the controversy surrounding the Amityville Horror, the story has become an enduring part of popular culture. Whether the events were truly paranormal or simply a fabrication, the story remains a testament to the enduring power of the supernatural in the human imagination.

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